Re: [Salon] Reminder: Empire Salon | Jeremy Kuzmarov & Ted Postol | December 14th 7 pm (EST)

I mentioned the attached document (only most relevant chapters) last night on this Zoom event, as the means and methods of manipulating our very consciousness, how we think, and what we think, to alter our intentions. This is identical to what DOD calls “Perception Management,” except far more sophisticated and is one of the means of attack on individuals and groups speaking out against perpetual military occupation/martial law, of the Palestinians, “between wars,” and in kinetic wars, and of Wikileaks. These chapters go more to the underlying theory of “Cognitive Campaigns,” and “mass consciousness activities,” as this document is itself, where it projects on to our “enemies,” what the U.S. and Israel have taken to high-art: Information Warfare. It’s why Julian Assange is kept in captivity illegally:  because he “interfered” with the Cognitve Campaign of both the US and Israel by publishing the truth behind, and within, our criminal wars. This contains some bigger words, like “consciousness,” which grew out of Edmund Husserl’s “science of consciousness,” Phenomenology. Husserl employed it against the Nazis and fascism shortly before he died in his Vienna Lectures in 1935, but had to write carefully as he was a German citizen. But the findings of Husserl, and Edith Stein, on “consciousness” and “empathy” would be adopted by fascists as tactics to manipulate the same, down to the present day, as we see every day in our own political process, much of that carried into domestic politics from where it began as CIA methods, as in Brazil and Chile in particular, and adopted as campaign methods by the Nixon campaign under the same advisor as Trump’s (and Netanyahu’s) had, Arthur Finkelstein, and his “party of six method.” And let me add, this is the methods employed by our pro-war think tanks.

> On Dec 13, 2021, at 7:42 PM, Committee for the Republic <> wrote:
> Jeremy Kuzmarov & Ted Postol 
> Tuesday, December 14, 2021
> 7:00 PM (EST)
> (Add to Calendar)

> Zoom Link:
> Truth is the first casualty of empires. Staggering lies -- manufacturing or magnifying danger -- are the coin of the realm. The ulterior motive is to scare the public into supporting massive military spending. The American multi-trillion-dollar military-industrial-security complex dwarfs its ancestors by orders of magnitude. Dangerous proponents of truth are summarily ostracized and stigmatized.
> Exemplary of this odious phenomenon was the U.S. government's attempt to deceive the public about twin alleged chemical warfare attacks by Syrian president Bashir Al-Assad in 2013 and 2017. The allegations were a pretext for the expansion of U.S. military and covert intervention in Syria’s civil war. Enter MIT scientist Ted Postol, a Committee for the Republic Defender of Liberty award winner. Running forensic supercomputer simulations, Postol and his collaborators established to a scientific certainty that neither of the two attacks were the handiwork of the Syrian government. 
> The Postol findings directly contradicted the official executive branch and UN-sanctioned narrative. Postol faced tremendous pushback. One of his articles was withdrawn from the Princeton-based Science & Global Security after the editors received a letter from Dr. Gregory Koblentz, a fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations and director of the biodefense graduate program at George Mason University. The letter smeared Postol as a conspiracy theorist and crank. Previously, Postol was attacked by Elliot Higgins, founder of Bellingcat, a UK-based research agency supported by the U.S. National Endowment for Democracy (NED), which advances disinformation about countries targeted for American regime change.
> The attempt to suppress Postol’s findings and smear a scientist with a long record of exposing past government frauds reflects on the pathology of the American empire. Truth is taboo if it reveals official lies touching on the military-industrial-security complex or concocted justifications for war. As George Orwell put it in 1984:“War is peace. Freedom is slavery. Ignorance is strength.” And now censorship is free speech.
> Jeremy Kuzmarov is Managing Editor of CovertAction Magazine. He authored four books on U.S. foreign policy, including Obama’s Unending Wars and The Russians Are Coming, Again. See Sept 22 & July 8 Syrian articles.
> Metropolitan Club is currently closed to large events. Until further notice, salons will be over Zoom.

> The Committee for the Republic is a citizen-based, non-partisan, nonprofit organization founded in 2003. The Committee sponsors speakers monthly on challenges to the American Republic, including the military-industrial complex, too-big-to-fail banks and U.S. competitiveness.
> For questions or requests email

> The Committee for the Republic
> 40 Springwish Ln
> Flint Hill VA 22627

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